1501 Industrial R&D Projects Grant Programme 2024-2 Call Results Announced

24 Feb 2025
National Support Programs
1501 Programme 2024-2 Call Results Announced

The results of the 1501 Industrial R&D Projects Grant Programme 2024-2 Call, which aims to encourage Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to carry out R&D qualified innovation activities and to increase localisation in the required technology areas by improving their R&D capacities, are announced.

You can access the lists of projects that were decided to be supported and projects that were rejected from the links below.

We congratulate our organizations whose projects were included in the scope of support, and we would like to remind our organizations whose projects were rejected that they can revise their applications and apply for the 1501 2025-1 Call.

We would like to thank our Board members and referees who took part in the evaluation processes of the projects for their valuable contributions.

Companies can access the latest status of their project proposals from the project information page at eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

The scope of support and contracts for accepted projects will be sent to the KEP addresses. Organizations must sign the contracts according to the information note sent and send a copy to TÜBİTAK. The reasoned rejection decision for rejected projects will be sent to the organizations' KEP addresses registered in the PRODIS system.