The results of the 1832 Green Transformation in Industry 2024-2 Call, which was opened within the scope of the World Bank Türkiye Green Industry Project and aims to support the green transformation of our country's industry, have been announced.
A total of 77 project applications were submitted for the 1832-2024-2 call. It has been decided to support 36 of these projects. You can access the list of supported projects, rejected projects and under evaluation projects via the links below.
We congratulate the organizations whose projects have been supported, and remind those whose projects were rejected that they can revise their applications and apply for the upcoming 1832 Calls.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Board Members and reviewers who contributed to the project evaluation process.
Firms can access the latest status of their project proposals through the project information page on the eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr website.
For accepted projects the support letters, the reimbursable support contract, the project contract, and its annexes; for rejected projects, the detailed rejection explanations will be sent to the firms' KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) addresses. The printed contracts will not be sent to the firms. Instead, the firms will print one copy of the contracts attached to the support letter, sign it, and send it to TÜBİTAK via post/courier.