Within the scope of the World Bank Turkey Green Industry Project, coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the green transformation activities of the industry are supported by TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB. The third call for 1833-SAYEM Green Transformation has been opened as of 01.08.2024, and applications will be accepted till 03.10.2024.
Within the scope of the call, private sector, university, and public collaboration will be supported to create innovation platforms, forming a technology ecosystem for Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation Networks focused on industry. These networks aim to contribute to the sustainable growth of our country by developing high-value-added products or product groups. Under the leadership of the private sector and in collaboration with universities and the public sector, the establishment of a specialized R&D and Innovation Platform is encouraged. Through this platform, the creation of Productization Roadmaps (ÜYH) and support for Productization Programs (ÜPG) aimed at developing products or product groups for green transformation within the framework of these roadmaps will be facilitated. Consortium applications within the platform structure will be accepted for this call. The conditions for becoming the platform coordinator are specified in the call announcement. The support period is max. 36 months, and the upper limit for a program proposal per platform is 300,000,000 TL. Private sector organizations participating in the platform can receive support both as grants and interest-free reimbursable support, while universities and research institutions are eligible for 100% grant support. The budgetary upper limit for organizations involved in the platform is 15 million TL for SMEs, 60 million TL for large-scale enterprises, and 10 million TL for universities and research institutions.
Click here for more information.
Applications can be made electronically through the TEYDEB Project Evaluation and Monitoring System - PRODIS (eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr).