1833 - SAYEM Green Transformation Call


With the support of the World Bank, 450 million dollars of financing has been allocated to the Turkish Green Industry Project, which is carried out by TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Within the scope of the project, TÜBİTAK - TEYDEB will support the green transformation of the industry throughout the project with a financing of 175 million dollars. Different types of calls will be open by TÜBİTAK within the scope of the Türkiye Green Industry Project, which will last for 6 years. One of these calls is the SAYEM Green Transformation Call.

Within the scope of the call, private sector, university, and public collaboration will be supported to create innovation platforms, forming a technology ecosystem for Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation Networks focused on industry. These networks aim to contribute to the sustainable growth of our country by developing high-value-added products or product groups. Under the leadership of the private sector and in collaboration with universities and the public sector, the establishment of a specialized R&D and Innovation Platform is encouraged. Through this platform, the creation of Productization Roadmaps (ÜYH) and support for Productization Programs (ÜPG) aimed at developing products or product groups for green transformation within the framework of these roadmaps will be facilitated. Consortium applications within the platform structure will be accepted for this call. The conditions for becoming the platform coordinator are specified in the call announcement.

Projects that are compatible with the R&D and Innovation Topics within the scope of the Türkiye Green Industry Project are included in the call text. Click here to access the scope.

The support period is max. 36 months, and the upper limit for a program proposal per platform is 300,000,000 TL. Private sector organizations participating in the platform can receive support both as grants and interest-free reimbursable support, while universities and research institutions are eligible for 100% grant support. The budgetary upper limit for organizations involved in the platform is 15 million TL for SMEs, 60 million TL for large-scale enterprises, and 10 million TL for universities and research institutions.

Contact: sayem.basvuru@tubitak.gov.tr

Click here to apply.

Application Forms

Project applications for the program are submitted electronically through the online PRODİS application at http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr

Forms are for informational purposes only, not for actual application.

Environmental and Social Policy

“TÜBİTAK has an Environmental and Social Management Policy within the scope of the World Bank Türkiye Green Industry Project. This policy is implemented within the framework of the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).

Projects to be supported with World Bank (WB) Financing must be carried out in accordance with national environmental legislation requirements, as well as EHS Standards[1] within the scope of the WB Environmental Social (ES) Framework[2] and WB Group Environmental Health and Safety Guides[3]. While filling out the Environmental and Social Risk Management Declaration Form submitted within the scope of the project proposals, supporting documents/documents/reports, which are not limited to the list below, must also be submitted.

Regarding the facility where the project will be carried out regarding environmental issues:

  • Explanatory information within the framework of the regulations it is subject to in terms of Environmental Legislation, (EIA Exemption, EIA Report/Project Introduction File and relevant approval documents if the Activity is subject to the EIA Regulation, Activity Environmental Permits, etc.)
  • Maps regarding the layout of the facility, information on the use of surrounding areas (land use, etc.), visuals,
  • If there is an Environmental and Social Management System, valid certificates and documentation of the applied procedures,
  • Raw material use, water use, energy consumption in the production process, energy efficiency management plan, if any, relevant monitoring report (latest prepared and approved)
  • Document of groundwater use permit, if any,
  • Amount of air, water and solid waste emissions and disposal methods (capacity, technological features, layout)

o Records regarding the sending of waste oils to licensed facilities

o Emission reports

o Disposal methods, photographs and records of solid wastes generated in the facility (hazardous waste, chimney filters, etc.), Waste Management Procedure, Industrial Waste Management Plan

o Environmental Monitoring Report (Last prepared and approved)

On Occupational Health and Safety issues:

First, the companies' compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 will be evaluated. "Nace Code" must be written in the "Activity" sections of the Environmental and Social Risk Management Declaration Form submitted with the project proposal.6331 sayılı kanun gereği işyerlerinde hazırlanması ve takip edilmesi gereken Risk Değerlendirme Dokumanı, Acil Durum Eylem Planı, Yıllık Faaliyet Raporu, Yıllık Çalışma Planı Yıllık Eğitim Planı, Eğitim Katılım Formları, v.b zorunlu evraklar Çevresel ve Sosyal Beyan Formunun Eki olarak sunulmalıdır.

  • If the company outsources Occupational Health and Safety services, the Service Contract and the appointment of Occupational Safety Specialist and Workplace Physician must be submitted as an Annex to the Environmental and Social Declaration Form.
  • If the company declares that it has ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate, it must submit the following documents as an Annex to the Environmental and Social Declaration Form.


  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy
  • Risk and Opportunity Assessment Procedure,
  • Measurement Monitoring Procedure
  • Corrective Preventive Action Forms, CPA tracking table


  • Company Accident/Incident statistics, Accident/Incident frequency rates, Accident/Incident research reports should be submitted as an Annex to the Environmental and Social Declaration Form.
  • The company must provide evidence for all statements made in the Environmental and Social Declaration Form.

On social issues:

ESS2: Review of Employees and Working Conditions

• HR Policy: Document providing information about employee rights, recruitment processes and working conditions, equal opportunity, discrimination, child labor and forced labor.

• Employment Contracts: Employment contracts made with employees.

• ISO 9001 Certificate: Quality management system certification.

ESS4: Community Health, Safety and Security

• Community Health and Safety Plan: The plan prepared for community health and safety.

• Risk Assessment Reports: Risk assessment reports regarding public health and safety.

• ISO 14001 Certificate: Environmental management system certification.

• Stakeholder Engagement Records: Records of interviews and meetings held with the


ESS5: Land Use for Commercial Activities

  • Land Acquisition Policy: Land acquisition policy.
  • Resettlement Action Plan: Resettlement action plan.
  • Legal Land Ownership Documents: Legal land ownership documents.
  • Compensation Agreements: Compensation agreements made with land owners.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Reports: Environmental and social impact assessment reports.

ESS8: Cultural Heritage Issues

• Cultural Heritage Management Plan: Cultural heritage management plan.

• Archaeological Research: Archaeological research reports.

• Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Reports: Cultural heritage impact assessment reports.

• Permits and Approvals: Work permits and approval documents in cultural heritage sites.

• Stakeholder Consultation Records: Records of discussions with stakeholders regarding cultural heritage.

ESS10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure

Stakeholder Engagement Plan: Stakeholder engagement plan.

Public Consultation Records: Records of public consultation meetings.

Grievance Mechanism Documents: Documents related to the grievance mechanism.

Information Disclosure Policy: Information disclosure policy.

Community Feedback Reports: Feedback reports from the community.


These documents can help prove that companies comply with World Bank standards. Providing these documents from the applicant organizations will ensure that the project processes are more transparent and reliable.


The calendar year is divided into two periods. The first period covers January 1 - June 30, and the second period covers July 1 - December 31. The progress status and expenses related to the planned objectives are submitted to TÜBİTAK with Period Reports. Additionally, interim monitoring reports may be obtained by ÜPYK to track technical developments during the middle of the respective periods.

In the final period of the Commercialization Program, in addition to the Period Report, a Final Report and Commercialization Plan are also submitted.


Click here for more information


For project-specific or technical interruptions, please contact the relevant group.



Application Forms
Environmental and Social Policy


Evaluation Forms




Regulation and Principles

