2531 - Bilateral Cooperation Support Program 2023-2024 call selection process with DAAD has been concluded. 8 projects decided to be funded by both TÜBİTAK and DAAD are listed below.
Turkish Principal Investigator | German Principal Investigator | Project Title |
Dr. Ezgi Odabaşı Kurtuluş Koç University | Dr. David Mick Saarland University | Dissecting the Mechanisms by which Centriolar Satellites Regulate Primary Cilium Biogenesis and Function |
Prof. Dr. Fatma Öztürk Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University | Dr. Elke Fischer Hamburg University | IMPORTANT - DetermInation of MicroPlastics bOund to Particulate Matter duRing Turkish Arctic scieNtific expediTion-II |
Dr. Banu İyisan Boğaziçi University | Dr. Dietmar Appelhans Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden | Development of Multimodal Polymersomes for Image-Guided Drug Delivery Applications |
Assoc. Dr. Erdem Selver Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University | Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schmeer The Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe | Robotic Stitching for Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Composites |
Prof. Dr. Burhanettin Erdem Alaca Koç University | Prof. Dr. Sergej Fatikow Oldenburg University | MEMS-based Mechanical Testing of Bottom-up Synthesized Nanowires (NanowireMEMS) |
Prof. Dr. Nihal Büyükçizmeci Selçuk University | Prof. Dr. Markus Bleicher Goethe University Frankfurt | Production of Multi-Strange Hypernuclei in Heavy Ion Collisions |
Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yücedağ Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University | Prof. Dr. Oliver Gailing Göttingen University | Determination of Intraspecific Genetic Diversity in Eriolobus Trilobatus (Labill. ex Poiret) M. Roem. Across Three Regions in Turkey and its Associations with |
Dr. Funda Gençer Manisa Celal Bayar University | Prof. Barbara Beckett University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim, Göttingen, Holzminden (HAWK) | 3D Documentation of Ancient Buildings by Depth Mapping and Point Cloud extraction: A Two-Stage Method for Spatial Data Analysis |