With the aim of contributing to the development of human capital, which is one of the main components of the National Technology Initiative, the 2nd term calls for our program, established to encourage high school students, as well as students and recent graduates* with post-secondary education level, to produce projects, improve their projects through feedback, and participate in national and international scientific competitions and related events related to the projects they develop, have been opened.
Within the scope of the Program, for which Turkish Airlines is the transportation sponsor, support will be provided for participation in competitions and events held in Turkey through the “4001-A National Competition/Event Participation Support” call, and for participation in competitions and events held abroad through the “4001-B International Competition/Event Participation Support” call.
Within the scope of the 2nd term calls, applications can be made via http://bilimtoplum-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr until 31 December 2024 (17:30).
For detailed information and application requirements, please visit the web page at https://tubitak.gov.tr/en/funds/science-society/national-support-programs/4001-national-and-international-competitionevent-participation-support
* Maximum 1 year must have passed since their graduation.