Joint research projects will be supported within the scope of Cooperation Agreement between the The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a Co-funded Partnership project supported within the Horizon Europe Program. The objective is to implement Research and Development (R&D) and innovation projects that contribute to the clean energy transition process across Europe. In this context, supported projects will be financed by national funding agencies after being evaluated by an international expert panel.
For project proposals to be prepared within the scope of the call modules, it is mandatory to comply with both the international eligibility criteria and the national rules and conditions of the partner countries. Within the scope of the call, the international consortium submitting the project must consist of partners from at least three different countries (at least two of which must be EU member states or Horizon Europe Associated Countries) that declare their participation in the CETPartnership call modules to be applied for. Each partner will be supported by the funding agency of their respective country
Proposals from following areas will be accepted:
Energy data spaces and interoperability
Energy system flexibility: renewables production, storage and system integration
Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production (ROA &IOA)
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
Hydrogen and renewable fuels
Heating and cooling technologies
Geothermal energy technologies
Integrated regional energy systems
Integrated industrial energy systems
Clean energy integration in the built environment
The Call Text is below:
CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 2024 Call Text
CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 National Application Rules Document
National Applications are made through TÜBİTAK Online Application system.
International Applications are made through CETPartnership Submission Platform
Call Timeline:
Deadline for the first stage of international proposal submission (pre-proposal): 21 November 2024 (14:00 CET)
Deadline for the first stage of national applications and e-signature (pre-proposal): 29 November 2024 (17:00 UTC+3)
Deadline for the second stage of international proposal submission: 02 April 2025 (14:00 CET)
The deadline for the second stage national application, to be carried out through TÜBİTAK PBS for projects with positive results in the international evaluation of the second stage, will be announced by TÜBİTAK to the relevant parties at a later date.
For further information click here.