We are happy to announce the launch of the FutureFoodS Partnership’s first transnational co-funded call: "Transforming Food Systems - reshaping food system interactions, fostering food innovations and empowering sustainable food choices."
This call brings together 36 funding organizations from 19 countries and the European Commission, jointly committing up to 40 million Euros to support innovative research and development projects focused on creating a sustainable food future.
The call offers funding for innovative projects that contribute to one of the following topics:
Topic 1: The way towards sustainable and resilient food systems
Topic 2: New foods – Fostering innovations in food design, processing and supply via demand and supply reorientation
Topic 3: Empowering sustainable food choices – Enabling food environments and dietary shifts
Joint project proposals to be prepared within the scope of the call are required to comply with the international call application conditions. The international consortium that will present the project must consist of three different partners who will receive funding from at least three different countries participating in the call. Each partner will be supported by their country's funding agency. Detailed information about the call can be found at https://www.futurefoodspartnership.eu/funding-opportunities.
In addition to international project applications to be submitted to the call secretariat, it is also mandatory for researchers from Türkiye to take part in the projects to submit a national project application to TÜBİTAK (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr). Project proposals to be submitted from our country within the scope of this call will be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1071 Support Program for Increasing the Capacity to Benefit from International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Collaborations. Since the application may be returned without being evaluated in case of non-compliance with the application rules, the national application rules has been given below and must be examined in detail before applying.
Call Schedule:
Deadline for submission of stage 1 proposals to the Joint Call Secretariat: 15 January 2025(13:00, CET)
Deadline for the TÜBİTAK national application of the stage 1 proposals: 17 January 2025 (23:59, UTC+3)
Deadline for the e-signature processes of the TÜBİTAK national application stage 1 proposals: 22 January 2025 (23:59 UTC+3)
Deadline for submission of stage 2 proposals to the Joint Call Secretariat: 09 July 2025 (13:00, CET)
Call Contacts
For information on the International Application and the FutureFoodS 2024 Call:
Hasan Burak TİFTİK
Scientific Programmes Chief Expert
Directorate for EU Framework Programmes
e-posta: burak.tiftik@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0312 298 17 52
TÜBİTAK- For 1071 programme details:
Dr. Dilber AYHAN
International Cooperation Projects Research Support Group (UPAG)
e-posta: dilber.ayhan@tubitak.gov.tr