Within the framework of the Turkey Green Industry Project carried out by TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology with the support of the World Bank, the technical assistance that SMEs will receive to meet the requirements within the scope of compliance with the Green Transformation requirements is supported by the 1831 Green Innovation Technology Mentorship Call.
90% of the services that companies will receive from expert organizations on issues such as technology consultancy, capacity or situation analysis, detection of current problems and solution approaches and road map preparation for current green technologies will be covered by TÜBİTAK as grant support.
1831 Green Innovation Technology Mentorship Call Solution Partner Statement of Intent 2024-02 Announcement has been opened for solution partner organizations that want to provide services within the scope of 1831 Green Innovation Technology Mentorship Call. Applications can be made online via https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr (Prodis).