The aim of the Innovative Solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities Research Projects Funding Program is to provide social and public benefit in Turkey by funding well structured, output and impact-oriented research and development activities in social sciences and humanities. This program contains three different dimensions as listed below:
a) Developing methods, approaches and interpretations that will make innovative contributions to science, in the light of the findings of due diligence studies of the humanities through data collection and analysis.
b) Establishing scientific foundations in the development of public policies.
c) To reveal the social effects of technological advances.
Project Duration
The project duration is maximum 24 months.
Project Budget
As of November 11, 2024 the budget limit (including scholarship, excluding project incentive bonus (PTI) and overhead) is 1.000.000 TRY without annual budget limitation.
Upper limits for scholarships are as below:
Scholarship Upper Limits
Qualification | If the person is not employed | If the person is employed |
Undergraduate Student | 4.800.-TRY/month | -- |
Master of Science Student | 16.500.-TRY/month | 4.800.-TRY/month |
PhD Student | 24.000.-TRY/month | 6.600.-TRY/month |
PhD Student (if there is voluntary insurance) | 27.200.-TRY/month | -- |
Post-doctorate * | 32.000.-TRY/month | -- |
Post-doctorate (if there is voluntary insurance) | 35.200.-TRY/month | -- |
* If postdoctoral researchers are employed in projects, the scholarship upper limit is 43,200 TRY/month.
WARNING: The current "Application Form and Annexes (Annex-1 References, Annex-2 Budget and Justification)" for the program you will apply for must be filled and uploaded to the electronic application system. In order for the project to be evaluated, the Application Form should be prepared in Arial 9 font, no changes should be made in the existing format, it should not exceed 22 pages except APPENDIX-1 and APPENDIX-2, and the size of each file to be uploaded to the system should not exceed 20 MB. Please note that if the specified conditions are not met, your project proposal will not be evaluated and will be returned!
Application Form (Document that must be uploaded to the electronic application system)
Application Form Annex-1 References (Document to be uploaded to the electronic application system)
Application Form Annex-2 Budget and Justification (Document to be uploaded to the electronic application system)
Application Form Annex-3 Other Projects and Current Publications of Project Team (It is formed automatically according to the information entered to online application system.
Project Proposal Video (File to be uploaded to the electronic application system) (Optional - Video describing the project proposal, not exceeding 5 minutes in length and 100 MB in size)
Data Management Plan (Document to be uploaded to the electronic application system | Detailed Information)
Application Form Annex-4 Cooperation Form (Document to be uploaded to the electronic application system)
Project Proposal Modification Form (If an application was made to the Innovative Solutions Research Projects Support Program in Social and Human Sciences with the same/similar project proposal and the project was rejected as a result of the scientific evaluation, the form to be filled is automatically created by the system in line with the information entered in the electronic application system.)
Waiver Form (It is automatically created by the system in line with the information entered in the electronic application system for the persons who are included in the project proposal with the same/similar content that has been submitted to our Institution and are not suitable to be supported, and who have signed the right but are not named in the newly submitted project proposal. It must be approved via the link to be sent by e-mail.)
Project Application Permission Form for University Faculty Members Working within Companies Operating within the Scope of Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 (It is automatically created by the system in line with the information entered in the electronic application system. The form must be signed by the relevant persons (company and university establishment officials) during the electronic signature process required.)
TÜBİTAK Presidency Approval Letter (If the project team includes an executive/researcher/consultant from TÜBİTAK Centers/Institutes, Presidential Approval must be obtained for the said persons and the date and number of the "Presidential Approval Letter" must be entered in the relevant field in the electronic application system. | Detailed Information)
Information Form for Researcher outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher outside Türkiye in the project team) (Form is automatically created automatically by the system in line with the information entered to online application system.)Participation Letter of Researcher outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher outside Türkiye in the project team) (Letter is automatically created automatically by the system in line with the information entered to online application system. The Participation Letter which will be sent via e-mail by system should be approved by the researcher outside Türkiye.Curriculum Vitae for Researcher/Consultant outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher/consultant outside Türkiye in the project team, curriculum vitae of researcher/consultant is automatically created by the system in line with ARBİS information. In order to upload detailed CVs of the researcher/consultant outside Türkiye, a field is also opened in the system.)
The following documents must be submitted fully in desired format within the time given by the relevant Research Support Group; If it is decided to support the project. If the documents cannot be obtained within the given time, the project will not be implemented.
- Intellectual Property Rights Protocol
- Ethics Committee Approval Document (If necessary | Detailed Information)
- Legal / Private Permits (If necessary | Detailed Information)
- Support Letters (If necessary)
- Proforma invoice (If necessary)
- SME Declaration (in case the managers and partners of SME enterprises and corporations that have not reached the requirements of being a SME are the principle investigator.)
Required Document for Defining the Authority of Private Institutions (Detailed Information)
- Commercial Registry Gazette (The page with the current title and address of the company)
- Copy of Chamber of Commerce Registration
- Authorized Signatures List
- Authorization Certificate (A document obtained from the relevant Registry of Commerce which indicates the person authorized to represent the company)
There is no time limit for applications. Applications can be made throughout the year.
In order to apply online, you can log in to with your ARBIS information. If you do not have an ARBIS account, you can create one by going to
For questions about the ARDEB Project Application System:
Project proposals are evaluated under the following six dimensions:
- National Gains, Social and Public Benefit Potential
- Aims and Goals
- Innovative Aspect
- Method
- Project Management
- Widespread Impact
TUBITAK Presidency Call Center: 444 66 90
For questions about the ARDEB Project Application System:
Çağrı metni için tıklayınız.
İrtibat Bilgileri
Başvuru Koşulları ve Proje Başvuru Sistemi için:
TÜBİTAK Araştırma Destek Programları Başkanlığı (ARDEB)
Destek Programları İzleme ve Koordinasyon Müdürlüğü
Çağrının Genel Çerçevesi, Amacı ve Kapsamına İlişkin Sorular için:
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırma Destek Grubu (SOBAG) -