1503 - R&D Project Brokerage Events Grant Program


The purpose of 1503 Program is to bring together the representatives of universities, research institutions and industrial establishments in order to share the new project ideas and search for the possible collaborations.

R&D Project Brokerage Events are

  • Having concrete R&D ideas or project suggestions and needing to contribute to other specialties other than their own abilities to realize them.
  • Investigating the existence of demand for project proposals or results
  • Wishing to make a technological or financial contribution to the proposed project cooperation proposals

national and/or international events organized to create an environment for cooperation opportunities through the active participation of representatives from universities, research and private sector organizations, and introducing their projects to each other.

You can find some successful R&D Project Brokerage Events from the link below.

Scope of the Program

The 1503 program supports the expenses of national and international events which bring the representatives of universities, research institutions, private sector organizations together in order to provide knowledge exchange about the project ideas and to establish technological and financial collaborations related to R&D projects.

What is the amount of support?

The upper limit of the support budget is determined by TUBİTAK as 70.000 TL. In case of the participation of an international organization to the brokerage events (university, chamber of industry, chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce and industry, exporters’ association abroad) the upper limit is 100.000 TL. Support payments are made before the event.

Which expense items are covered in the Brokerage Events Support Program? 

  • Printing and stationery expenses: Necessary printing and stationery expenses related to the event (invitation, posters, brochures, books, supplies, etc.)
  • Postal and courier expenses: Postal and courier expenses related to the event
  • Transportation and accommodation expenses: Intercity and international economy class transportation expenses (by airplane, train, bus, ship) of participants from universities and research institutions who will present their project ideas and daily accommodation expenses of participants up to 100 TL (maximum) are supported.
Who Can Apply?

In the Project Brokerage Events, it is obligatory that at least one university and at least one or more of 

  • The Industry Chamber,
  • Chamber of Commerce,
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
  • Exporters' Association

are participants. Any of these participating organizations (university, chamber of industry, chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce and industry, exporters’ association) can apply to TÜBİTAK for Brokerage Events Grant Program.

Application Forms
Dates for Application

Applications are always open and can be made to TÜBİTAK any time of the year.


Applications cannot be made electronically.


The main principle in the scope of the Project Brokerage Events Support Program is to support those who have existing R&D project ideas yet needing for contributions other than their own expertise fields to realize their projects, those who search for market demand for their project proposals and/or project outputs or those who want to contribute to the proposed collaborations financially and technologically in an environment in which universities, research institutions and private sector organizations participate actively.

The content of the applications must be prepared in line with these criteria.


The Project Brokerage Events Support Program applications are evaluated by the relevant Technology Group Executive Board of TUBITAK.

Monitoring and Finalization

The approved amount of expenses of Project Brokerage Events are paid by TUBITAK to the special bank account of the organization which is specified in the application form. A separate bank account must be opened for the event.

In the scope of the supported event, all payments related to the expenses that are found eligible to support must be completed most lately within one month after the end of the event.

Within one month after the end of the event, Project Brokerage Events Event Report (AGY354) and Final Account Form must be prepared by the authority responsible from the event and submitted to TUBITAK by the organization official. Event outputs such as reports, publishing and so on should not be sent in the attachment of the Event Report form.


Forms requested after the event

Following documents must be submitted to TUBITAK within one month after the end of the event. The forms submitted in Turkish are accepted.

  • Project Brokerage Events Event Report AGY 354-01
  • Project Brokerage Events Support Program Final Account Form
  • Statement of Account which shows the expenses made for the Project Brokerage Events from the special account opened for the event
  • If there is an excess amount of payment, a statement of account for the return stating that the excess amount is paid back to TUBITAK
  • After the completion of expenses made from the special account for Project Brokerage Events and after the excess amount is paid back to the TUBITAK, an Account Closing Document of the special bank account
  • A sample of printed materials (fliers, invitations, booklets etc.) prepared for the Project Brokerage Event

There is no monitoring process regarding the Project Brokerage Events.


The approved amount of expenses of Project Brokerage Events are paid by TUBITAK to the special bank account of the organization which is specified in the application form. A separate bank account must be opened for the event.

Expense amounts which are not found eligible for support by TUBITAK, must be paid back to TUBITAK at least one month after the written notification made to the organization.

What is the purpose of the program?

The program aims to create R&D platforms that will provide University-Industry cooperation.

Who can apply?

In the Project Brokerage Events, it is obligatory that at least one university and at least one or more of 

The Industry Chamber,

Chamber of Commerce,

Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

Exporters' Association

are participants. Any of these participating organizations (university, chamber of industry, chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce and industry, exporters’ association) can apply to TÜBİTAK for Brokerage Events Grant Program.

When are the applications made?

Applications can be made on any working day of the year.

Which expenses are supported?

Printing and stationery expenses: Necessary printing and stationery expenses related to the event (invitation, posters, brochures, books, supplies, etc.)

Postal and courier expenses: Postal and courier expenses related to the event

Transportation and accommodation expenses: Intercity and international economy class transportation expenses (by airplane, train, bus, ship) of participants from universities and research institutions who will present their project ideas and daily accommodation expenses of participants up to 100 TL (maximum) are supported.

What is the total support amount?

The upper limit of the support budget is determined by TUBİTAK as 90.000 TL. In case of the participation of an international organization to the brokerage events (university, chamber of industry, chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce and industry, exporters’ association abroad) the upper limit is 130.000 TL.

When are the payments made?

Before the event, the support amount is transferred to the (newly opened) account of the supported projects.

What happens if the event is postponed?

In any case, TÜBİTAK is informed in writing. No further action will be taken if the postponement does not exceed 3 months. In the case of more than 3 months; If no spending has been made, the entire amount of the support and the rest will be returned to TÜBİTAK with the cut off account form.


Technology and Innovation Support Programs Directorate

e-mail: 1503@tubitak.gov.tr

General Info

Scope of the Program


Who Can Apply?
Application Forms
Dates for Application


Monitoring and Finalization



