ICGEB offers a dedicated source of funding for outstanding projects in ICGEB Member States, with the promoting collaboration, training of young scientists and development of research facilities.
Funding opportunities are made available through the Collaborative Research Programme (CRP) - ICGEB Research Grants, which is a dedicated source of funding aimed at financing projects addressing original scientific problems of particular relevance for the host country and of regional interest.
Established in 1988, the programme aims to stimulate collaborative research in Member States and with the ICGEB Component laboratories, to promote training of young scientists and to facilitate the creation of appropriate research facilities.
The programme provides support for research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy.
A call for applications is launched yearly.
Submission and Closing Dates
In adherence with the ICGEB mandate to equally support its Member States, each ICGEB Member State can endorse up to 3 standard Research Grant applications, plus up to 2 Early Career Return Grants for each call. Therefore, PIs should submit their complete applications in electronic format (pdf) to his/her Country representative (Liaison Officer - see form A), who is in charge of endorsing the application at the national level. A copy of the application should also be sent directly to the ICGEB (crpicgeb.org).
For more information about the programme and application process please click.
For your questions about the programme and ICGEB, please contact to Turkey’s ICGEB Liaison Officer Dr. Jale ŞAHİN via icgeb@tubitak.gov.tr.