Within the scope of the EUREKA Program, a joint call has been launched to fund research and innovation projects aiming to find short and medium term responses to the needs specific to COVID-19. Turkey, Canada, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, France will be joining this call to fund the joint projects.
In the scope of the call, participants are expected to submit research and innovation project in the following areas (but are not limited to) for the COVID-19 specific needs.
- Infection prevention and protection
- Sanitation technology
- Diagnostics and testing
- Therapeutics, vaccines and medicines
- Disease-tracking technology, analytical solutions for health systems
- Smart technology for COVID-19 patients
- Smart technologies and support systems for critical production and supply chains under lockdown
- Safe mobility: migration data and trends, regional risk monitoring, protection of isolated and risk groups, safe use of public transports
- Education technologies and digital workplace.
A company from our country will be able to submit a proposal with at least one partner from any of the 6 countries participating in the call. Applications consist of two stages: filling in the international application form and completing the online national application.
- All partners must fill in the EUREKA project application form online on the call website (https://www.eurekanetwork.org/calls-for-projects). Each application will be evaluated by the national EUREKA offices of the countries involved in this application.
- In addition to the international application form, participants from Turkey have to apply for the TEYDEB 1509 - TUBITAK International Industry R & D projects to program through https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr/prodis.htm address.
Deadline for the application is 15 May 2020 (at 17.00 CEST). Turkish applicants must complete their national application ten days after the EUREKA application at the latest (by May 25th).
Please click for the call text.
EUREKA National Coordination Office:
0312 298 1861