The joint call titled “ICT for Resilient, Safe and Secure Society” has been launched in the context of EIG CONCERT Japan, which is an independent platform for the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Europe and Japan. Applications will be submitted until July 17th, 2020 (12.00 (midday), Central European Time) this call.
The joint call which has been jointly published by the funding organizations from Japan, Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic and France. The related websites are as follows:
- (for Call Text and National/Regional regulations) (for online proposal submission portal)
The national submission for Turkish teams:
Who can apply?
Higher education institutions, education and research hospitals, public research centers and institutes and private institutions may apply with a maximum of 3 year-research and innovation projects proposals. The international consortium (should be funded by above countries) must be composed of at least 2 European and 1 Japanese partners. Provided this minimum requirement, partners from countries not included in the call may also be included in the consortium by securing their own funds.
How is the application and evaluation process?
Applications will submitted to Each consortia will be represented by one (and only one) Principal Investigator (PI) and this PI will submit the international application. In addition, all the partners of the international project consortium have to apply for their national funding organizations nationally. The national applications to TUBITAK will be submitted electronically * at All necessary information and documents related to the application are available at this website. National submission deadline is July 22, 2019 (17:30, Turkey Time)
Project proposals will be subject to international evaluation. Successful projects will be funded by their own national funding organizations according to national rules.
EIG CONCERT-Japan Call National Contact Points:
Elif DOĞAN-ARSLAN (International Cooperation Department)
Tel.: +90 312 298 14 16
Esra Burcu YAMAK (International Cooperation Projects Research Support Group)
Tel: +90 312 298 18 12
*Important Note: National applications to TÜBİTAK can be only made by using electronic signature. The persons who are included in the project team and all executive / participant institutions should have qualified electronic certificate (e-signature).