TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Priority RDI Topics

26 Mar 2024
Since 2013, TÜBİTAK has been publishing "TÜBİTAK Priority Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Topics" biannually.

 TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Öncelikli Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Konuları

Since 2013, TÜBİTAK has been publishing "TÜBİTAK Priority Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Topics" biannually. With a focus on green and digital technologies; TÜBİTAK’s 2022-2023 Priority RDI Topics has three main pillars. The first pillar is “RDI Topics in Priority and Key Technologies”, which includes the topics defined in six new technology roadmaps on Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Motor Technologies, Cyber Security and, Biotechnological Pharmaceuticals; that were prepared within the auspices of the Turkish Presidency’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Council (BTYPK) in 2021, in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and technical support of TÜBİTAK.  The second pillar is “RDI Topics for the Compliance to EU Green Deal and Adaptation to Climate Change” and the third pillar is “Strategic and Needs-Oriented RDI Topics”. There are totally 264 topics, half of which are in digital technologies and quarter of which are in green technologies.   

 TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Öncelikli Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Konuları


RDI Topics in Priority and Key Technologies

 TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Öncelikli Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Konuları


"RDI Topics in Priority and Key Technologies", which is the first of the 3 main pillars consists of the priority topics that were defined by above mentioned Technology Roadmaps. These roadmaps include the technical and Innovative content of the topic, performance and technical metrics, disciplines that need to work together on the topic, RDI cooperation models, technological readiness levels in the world and in Türkiye, feasibility in Türkiye and impact assessments based on a set of criteria, foreseen budget and other enabling issues such as infrastructure, legislation, market structure etc.  The content of the roadmaps are created by expert focus groups with broad participation of 557 experts from 208 institutions (19 public institutions, 100 private sector organizations, 29 NGOs and 60 universities)


“RDI Topics for the Compliance to EU Green Deal and Adaptation to Climate Change”

 TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Öncelikli Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Konuları

A set of studies have been carried out in coordination with the relevant Ministries since 2021 in order to determine the " RDI Topics for the Compliance to EU Green Deal and Adaptation to Climate Change ", which constitute the second main pillar. Apparently, we are entering a period where digital and green transformation simultaneously affect all systems on a global basis. In this context, Türkiye has taken an important step towards green transformation and green growth by announcing its 2053 Net Zero Emission Target on September 27, 2021 and by becoming a party to the Paris Agreement. 

In this context, “Green Growth Technology Roadmap” (GGTR) studies are currently being conducted in collaboration of TUBITAK and the Ministry of Industry and Technology. The outputs of this technology roadmap will enable the design of RDI and investment projects ,which will provide domestic solutions for the technological needs of private sector organizations in Türkiye for green growth. The roadmap is planned to be completed by the end of 2022 and thereafter, additional topics will be added in the Iron-Steel, Aluminum, Cement, Fertilizer, Chemicals and Plastics sectors, which are the pilot sectors of the roadmap.

Within the scope of the Climate Council, which has been organized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in February 2022, TÜBİTAK has coordinated the Science and Technology Commission.  During the S&T Commission studies, through the 2053 Net Zero Emission Target of our country, innovative and ground-breaking technological solutions were discussed under five themes: "Climate Change, Environment and Biodiversity", "Clean and Circular Economy”, “Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply”, “Green and Sustainable Agriculture”, “Sustainable Intelligent Transportation”. With a multi-disciplinary holistic approach and with the participation of 97 experts from universities, private sector, NGOs and the public; 33 Priority RDI Topics were determined in more than 40 online meetings.  These topics took their place among the priority topics of TÜBİTAK 2022-2023. Identified topics include ground-breaking technologies that will affect productivity increase, both in terms of ensuring energy efficiency in the sector and the use of green technologies in production processes.


Strategic and Need-Oriented RDI Topics

 TÜBİTAK 2022-2023 Öncelikli Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Konuları

In order to determine the "Strategic and Need-Oriented RDI Topics", which is the last of the 3 main pillars; topics suggested by innovation ecosystem actors and formal requests of public institutions were evaluated and integrated. 

Interactive Document Which Can be Searched Based on Technology Areas and Sectors

You can reach 264 priority RDI topics, which are defined in close cooperation with all RDI ecosystem stakeholders, by downloading the “interactive document” from the link below:

TUBITAK’s 2022-2023 Priority RDI Topics

To search the topics based on technology areas, you may select the first pillar on the first page, which will direct you to the list of technology areas.  By selecting the technology area you are interested in, you may reach to the priority RDI topics list at that technology area.  By clicking on the title of the RDI topic that you are interested, you will be reach the details for this particular topic.  You may turn back from the RDI topic details slide to the list of RDI topics and then to the list of technology areas.

The details slides of the RDI topics includes the main objective, targeted innovative features and technical metrics, the disciplines expected to come together in the projects, the recommended cooperation model and the technological readiness level range expected to be covered by the project.  

To search the topics based on sector, you may click the “Topics based on Sectors” on the first page, which will direct you to the sectors list.  By selecting sector you are interested in, you may reach to the priority RDI topics list at that sector.  By clicking on the title of the RDI topic that you are interested, you will be reach the details for this particular topic.  You may turn back from the RDI topic details slide to the list of RDI topics and then to the list of sectors.

How is it prioritized in RDI Support Programmes?

In case the project proposals submitted to TÜBİTAK serve at least one of the priority topics defined in TÜBİTAK’s Priority RDI Topics and in case the projects plan to carry out studies within the technological readiness level range defined in the topic; they are prioritized during the evaluation procedure by adding extra points to the overall score of the proposal. In addition, these priority RDI topics are supported through specific calls of “Technology Oriented Industrial Move” Program of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, in “innovative technologies” category.

Priority RDI topics study intends to shed light on the orientation of the RDI ecosystem for all RDI supports and scholarships.