QuantERA (The Quantum ERA-NET) project is an ERA-NET Project that carried out in the field of Horizon 2020 New and Emerging Technologies and TÜBİTAK represents Türkiye.
The main purpose of the project is to support research projects that will complement the Quantum Flagship Project, which is supported in the field of New and Emerging Technologies through international collaborations.
In the QuantERA Project Call for 2023, Turkish researchers will be supported within the scope of the TÜBİTAK - 1071 Support Programme for Increasing Capacity to Benefit from International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Cooperation.
The application deadline is 11 May 2023 and one-stage application will be accepted. The project consortium created for the project proposals to be submitted to the QuantERA 2023 Call must include partners from at least 3 different countries participating in the call. In this context, it is recommended to examine the international call document in detail.
It is highly recommended to examine the text of the Call Notice before the application, which includes the national application rules in detail. If the application rules are not followed, the application will be returned without being evaluated.
You can find detailed information on call topics, call rules, project requirements and other qualifications expected from projects on the international call page.
In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, Partner Search Tool is available for the applicants. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.
An online webinar will be held on March 2nd 2023 aiming to answer the questions related to the call. Registration information for the webinar will be announced soon at https://quantera.eu/call-2023-announcement/.
Call Contacts:
For information about International Application Requirements:
Dr. Kıvılcım KÖSEOĞLU
Mathematics, Physics Research Support Group
e-mail: kivilcim.koseoglu@tubitak.gov.tr
Phone: 0312 2981185
For information about National Application Requirements and the 1071 Programme:
Dr. K. Öncü ŞEN
International Collaboration Projects Research Support Group
e-mail: oncu.sen@tubitak.gov.tr
Phone: 0312 2981809