Upcoming Deadline: Applications for EMBO Installation Grants end on April 15, 2023!

26 Mar 2024
Short Description: Applications for the EMBO Installation Grants, in which 41 researchers among 134 young scientists preferred Türkiye between 2007 and 2023 to establish laboratories in life sciences, close on April 15, 2023.

European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Installation Grants was founded in 2006 by the EMBO Strategic Development Installation Grants Chair under the leadership of Türkiye. EMBO Installation Grants provide multi-year funding for principal investigators to establish and grow their groups in participating countries. A total of 134 young researchers benefited from the grant between 2007 and 2023; 41 of them chose Türkiye to establish their labs; which places Türkiye in the top among the participating countries.


EMBO Installation Grantees receive an annual grant of 50,000 euros for three to five years. 35,000 euros of the annual payments are provided by the funding agency in each participating country and 15,000 euros are provided by EMBC. Grantees can also apply for additional small grants of up to 10,000 euros per year from EMBO.


Recipients of an Installation Grant are integrated into the EMBO Young Investigator Network. As a result, they benefit from the extensive networking opportunities and practical support this programme offers.




  • Applicants must be doing research in any of the EMBO subject areas,

• Applicants must be negotiating a full-time group leader position at an institute/university in participating countries by the date of application OR have established a laboratory in one of these countries in the last two years,

• Applicants must be able to attend an online interview on October 6th, 2023,

• In the four years prior to their application (since 2019 for the call 2023), applicants should have spent at least two consecutive years outside the country in which they are planning to establish their laboratory,

  • Applicants should have received their PhD less than nine years prior to the year of application (i.e. in 2014 for the call 2023).


The complete application for Installation Grants consists of:


  • CV
  • Synopsis of past work
  • Outline of the planned research project
  • Short summary of research
  • Publication list and list of two best papers
  • Three letters of reference
  • Description of the receiving institute
  • ORCID number
  • Information and confirmation of the receiving institute, including a description of
    • the available infrastructure
    • any start-up package provided
    • the duties and benefits of the applicant


For the Installation Grants page, please visit here.

Please refer to the Application Guideline before submitting your application.

To learn about the former grantees, please visit Installation Grantees Database.




Please contact yip@embo.org or uidb@tubitak.gov.tr for your questions.