Through the launching of Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future Partnership (DUT) 2023 Call under Horizon Europe Programme; international research and/or innovation projects that address urban challenges will be funded to help cities for transition to a more sustainable economy and functionality. Project proposals may contain a variety of activities, from strategic urban research to applied urban research or the implementation of urban innovations and are open to interdisciplinary studies.
Multipartner international consortiums may submit proposals for DUT 2023 Call through a two-stage application process. After being evaluated by an international expert panel, the projects declared eligible for support will be financed (if they also comply with national requirements) by the national funding agencies of the countries participating in the partnership. The first stage (pre-proposal) of international project applications closes on 21th November 2023 (13:00 CET). You can access more information on; countries participating in the programme, matchmaking (partner finding) platform, international information days, call calendar, and contact information from the link through the TÜBİTAK Horizon Europe Program web page.
For DUT 2023 Call, organizations from Türkiye will be supported by the rules of the TÜBİTAK - 1071 Support Program for Increasing the Capacity to Benefit from International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Collaborations. DUT 2023 Call National Application Prodecures Document that contains the details for two stage national application process should be carefully examined before submitting an international application.
You can find detailed information about call topics, call rules, project requirements and other qualifications expected from projects on the DUT 2023 call page.
In addition to the Information Days and Pitching Session to be held by the International Call Secretariat on 12.09.2023 and 10.10.2023; an online National Information Day will be organized by TÜBİTAK on September 22, 2023. The event will give information about partnership structure, application conditions, things to consider before application, tips for successful projects, TÜBİTAK 1071 program national application procedures, budget and payment details. Please click on the link for detailed information about the event.
Contact Information
About DUT and International Application Procedures:
Serhat MELİK & Arzu İpek ÜÇÜNCÜ
EU Framework Programs Division, Directorate of International Cooperation
Email: dut@tubitak.gov.tr
About National Application Prodecures:
Dr. Ceren UZUN
International Cooperation Projects Research Support Group, Directorate for Research Funding Programmes
Email: ceren.uzun@tubitak.gov.tr