1507 SME R&D Startup Program 2023-2 Call Results Announced

26 Mar 2024
National Support Programs
The results of the 1507 SME R&D Startup Program 2023-2 call were announced and it was decided to support 216 projects.

Applications for the 1507 SME R&D Startup Program 2023-2 Call taken between 21.08.2023- 18.10.2023, which aims to encourage Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) organizations to carry out R&D qualified innovation activities and to increase localization in the required technology fields by improving their R&D capacities, 21.08.2023 - 18.10 Taken between 2023.

The evaluation process of 441 project proposals that applied to the 1507 call has been completed. It has been decided to support 216 projects, and the evaluation processes of 11 projects are continuing. The list of projects that were decided to be supported, projects that were rejected, and projects whose evaluation process is ongoing, can be accessed from the links below.

We congratulate the organizations whose projects were supported, and we would like to remind our organizations whose projects were rejected that they can revise their applications and apply for the 1507 2024-1 call. The 1507 2024-1 call closing date has been extended for the projects that were rejected, in order to revise and re-apply. The call closing date for projects rejected in the 1507-2023-2 call is presented below.

1507 Program 2024/1 Call Closing Date: 25/03/2024 (23:59) (Only for projects that were rejected in the 1507-2023-2 call and will be revised and resubmitted)

We would like to thank our Board members and evaluators for their valuable contributions who took part in the evaluation processes of the projects.

Companies can access the latest status of their project proposals from the project information page at eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr

Decision letters for accepted projects will be sent to KEP addresses and also will be sent together with the contracts by cargo to the organizations. Decision letters that includes rejection reasons for rejected projects will be sent to the KEP address of the organizations.


1507 Projects Decided to Support

1507 Projects Rejected

1507 Projects with Ongoing Evaluation Process