Turkish EUREKA Chairmanship "EUREKA as a Global Platform for Co-opetitive Innovation" Launch Conference took place in Istanbul Congress Center on 13 July 2012. EUREKA High Level Represantatives and National Project Coordinators from the EUREKA Member Countries attended to the Conference.
The Launch Conference of the Turkish EUREKA Chairmanship - “EUREKA as a Global Platform for Co-opetitive Innovation” focused on:
- EUREKA as a Global Platform!
- Future of the Strategic Initiatives in EUREKA
- Company Perspective for Co-opetitive Innovation
Please do not hesitate to contact the EUREKA Turkish Chairmanship Office if you have any queries:
Mr. Hasan Burak Tiftik,
EUREKA Project Officer
phone: +90-312-468-5300 / 3461
mobile phone: +90-532-527-71-72
e-mail: eureka@tubitak.gov.tr