4th EU-CELAC Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022

31 Oca 2022
The members of the EU-CELAC Platform launch the 4th Joint Call on the 24th of January 2022.

The members of the EU-CELAC Platform launch the 4th Joint Call on the 24th of January 2022. The final submission date will be 28th of April 2022 at 5 PM CEST. All the call documents will be available at: https://www.eucelac-platform.eu/joint-actions.

The participating Funding Parties will provide funds and assistance of national and/or regional call contact points to support national beneficiaries in collaborative projects. The projects will be selected jointly.

One of the specificities of this upcoming joint call is that it includes four topics based on sharing large Research Infrastructures, namely in the areas of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy.

Applicants can represent public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions on national, federal or European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean regional level, research active industry and Non-Governmental Organizations and other institutions involved in research activities, as long as they are eligible for funding by their respective funding organizations according to their respective national regulations. Please click here to download the national rules for the Turkish applicants.

Applicants searching for potential European and / or Latin American & Caribbean partners are invited to register for free at the online ENRICH in LAC Matchmaking platform. This new platform enables virtual direct contacts and project initiation among RTI focussed researchers, start-ups, companies, soft landing hubs, and other organizations between the LAC region and Europe at any time.