A New Period Begins for the Higher Education Research Centers

16 May 2012
The Cooperation Protocol About Monitoring the Performances and Evaluating the Qualification of the Higher Education Research Centers signed amongst the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Ministry of Development and Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

"The Cooperation Protocol on Monitoring the Performances and Evaluating the Qualification of the Higher Education Research Centers" was signed amongst the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology , Ministry of Development and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).

The protocol that was signed between Nihat ERGÜN, the Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, Cevdet YILMAZ , the Minister of Development, and Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, the President of TUBITAK, aims to initiate a new period for Higher Education Research Centers.

With this new protocol, a more efficient utilization and sustainability of existing and future Higher Education Research Centers  will be ensured by  a classification regarding measuring, monitoring and evaluating their performances.



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