I-SEEMob Final Conference To Be Held on 27-28 June 2012

18 May 2012
TUBITAK invites you to the Final Conference of the I-SEEMob (Inter-sectoral mobility of researchers in South-Eastern Europe) Project on 27-28 June 2012.

TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) invites you to the Final Conference of the I-SEEMob (Inter-sectoral mobility of researchers in South-Eastern Europe) Project on 27-28 June 2012.

This final event will bring together participating countries as well as representatives from the European Commission, researchers, industry representatives and policy experts to discuss the results of the project and share recommendations for enhancing industry-academia collaboration and promoting inter-sectoral mobility of researchers at the respective countries.

The topic industry-academia collaboration comes again and again at several forums and in EU policy documents as an ever-green issue for Member States. Inter-sectoral mobility is not seen as a goal in itself, but as an instrument that can effectively contribute to eradicating the so-called "European Paradox", i.e. that Europe is unable to sufficiently turn research results into globally competitive products. As such, it fits with the Community policy on boosting research and innovation. At the same time, inter-sectoral mobility adds to the employability and diverse career development of researchers. Increasing knowledge transfer between academia and industry is a key goal of the Commission’s innovation plan, and a vital component of the debates for the future of the European Research Area.

Information about the event:


Researchers, academy and industry representatives as well as policy makers from all around Europe are welcome.

I-SEEMob TR Project Partner
Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy-TÜBİTAK
Phone: +90 312 4685300/4830
Fax: +90 312 4673659