The Period of Doctorate Supported by TÜBİTAK in Industry

13 Tem 2018
The President of TÜBİTAK stated that "within the framework of the Industry Ph.D. Program, the support will be up to 2.5 Million Turkish Liras."

President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal announced that students under the Industry Ph.D. Program can receive scholarships of 4.500 Turkish Liras per a month during their education and employment support after their doctoral studies. Expressing that they have prepared a totally new program in the direction of Turkey’s 2023 targets and the priority needs of the industry, the President of TÜBİTAK reflected that they believe the number of researchers with Ph.D. degree for the needs of industry and employed in industry will increase. Underlining they will support qualified human resource with Ph. D. degree needed in industry with Industry Doctorate Program, said that employees with Ph.D. degree will be trained by university and industry cooperation scope of the program.

Pointing out that the application for the call of the program will continue for three months, the President of TÜBİTAK stated that “within the framework of the Industry Ph.D. Program which we have developed to encourage the employment of more researchers in the private sector, the support will be up to 2.5 Million Turkish Liras. The students covered by the program will be able to receive scholarships of 4.500 Turkish Liras per a month during their education and employment support after their Ph.D.”

Two Cooperation Models Are Available


Professor Dr. Mandal drew attention to state or private higher education institutions having doctorate, research infrastructures received qualification, stock corporation resident in Turkey within the companies having R&D or Design Centers and technoparks can take place in Industry Ph.D. Program. Porf. Dr. Hasan Mandal said that “There are two different cooperation models in industry Ph.D. program which being designed highly comprehensively that a university or research infrastructure can apply by protocol with at least one or two private sector establishments. We aim that Ph. D. students can train together in competition priority projects and find opportunity to work competitor companies after their doctoral training.”

Support for Both Employer and Scholarship Holder

The President of TÜBİTAK stated that students who are in the scope of Industry Ph. D. Program will be supported for maximum five years, private sector institutions will get employment support which vary from 40% to 60% for three years depending on the model of cooperation model, Project managers and academic thesis advisors will be awarded Project Incentive Premium. Underlining university or research infrastructure will be able to apply to Industry Ph.D. Program by a protocol with industry establishment, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal emphasized that scholarship selection will be made by the applicant institutions.

Mentioning especially the students who started their doctorate education, students continuing to doctorate must have the subject of their thesis not yet to be determined in the program, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal said that not only those who are not working anywhere, but also people having Ph.D. Degree working in the industry establishment that is involved in the Project can get scholarship.

Please click here to get detailed information about the Program.