The purpose of this program is to support research projects that comply with scientific principles for generating new information, making scientific comments or solving technological problems.
The project duration is maximum 36 months.
As of the first period of 2025, the requested budget from TÜBİTAK can be maximum 2.400.000 TRY (including scholarship, excluding project incentive bonus (PTI) and overhead) without annual budget limit.
Upper limits for scholarships are as below:
Scholarship Upper Limits
Qualification | If the person is not employed | If the person is employed |
Undergraduate Student | 5.250.-TRY/month | -- |
Master of Science Student | 19.000.-TRY/month | 5.250.-TRY/month |
PhD Student | 27.500.-TRY/month | 7.250.-TRY/month |
PhD Student (if there is voluntary insurance) | 31.660.-TRY/month | -- |
Post-doctorate * | 36.500.-TRY/month | -- |
Post-doctorate (if there is voluntary insurance) | 40.660.-TRY/month | -- |
* If postdoctoral researchers are employed in projects, the scholarship upper limit is 43,200 TRY/month.
The budget requested for machine/equipment should be balanced with the total budget.
Projects aimed at developing infrastructure are not supported.
Note: The universities located in TRNC can apply to the 1001 program under the relevant protocol.
A. Principal Investigators (PI), Researchers (excluding researchers outside Türkiye) and Consultants:
Principal investigators;
- They must have a degree of doctorate / proficiency in art / specialty in medicine. In projects which are carried out in public or higher education institutions, the principal investigator (excluding retirees and postdoctoral researchers not working in any institution/organization) must be permanent/full-time staff of the institution in question.
In projects to be carried out in a private institution, the principal investigator must work in that institution for at least six months as of the date of the proposal of the project. The researchers who work for non-governmental organizations (foundations, associations, etc.), unions, chambers and commodity exchanges and their economic enterprises; cooperatives, sole proprietorships and ordinary partnerships cannot apply.
Researchers and consultants in project team:
- They must have 4 year undergraduate degree at least and must be permanent/full-time staff (excluding retirees and postdoctoral researchers not working in any institution/organization) of contributory institution/organization where they are working
Principal investigator, researchers and consultants (except for researchers/consultants outside Türkiye) should reside in Turkey. Non-Turkish citizens can be principal investigator/researcher/consultant in a project if they are working in an institution located in Türkiye.
A person who has a contribution less than 10% of the project workload cannot be researcher in projects but can be consultant.
A consultant (*) is allowed if the project requires special expertise on a specific subject. The number of consultants in a project is limited to the number of specific subjects in the project. The role of consultant in the project should be explained in detail in the project proposal.
Retirees who do not work in any organization can take part in the project team as principal investigator, researcher or consultant and postdoctoral researchers can take part as principal investigator or researcher provided that they do not receive Project Incentive Bonus (PTI). (In accordance with paragraph 2 in Article 16 of The Law on the Establishment of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, only those who are permanent staff of public institutions or organizations can be paid PTI.) In order for the retirees and postdoctoral researchers to become principal investigator, it is necessary them to get approval on that they can take part in the project from the senior authority of the institution / organization where the project will be carried out.
TÜBİTAK ARDEB Governing Board and Advisory Board members can be PI or researcher, but they cannot be consultant (**) if they are still working in those positions during the application.
B. Researchers outside Türkiye
The requirements for researchers outside Türkiye to take part in a project are listed below:
- The researchers outside Türkiye who will take part in a project must be qualified to carry out and lead/guide a part of the project, where the competence of researchers in our country is limited, with the project team in the institutions of our country.
- The researchers outside Türkiye can take part in a project provided that their legal obligations belong to the organization where the project is carried out. The travel expenses of the researchers outside Türkiye are covered from the project's travel budget, and 50% of the full-time monthly gross fees they receive abroad in the same period of time, for the time they take part in the project, are covered as service cost from the project. If 50% of the full-time monthly gross wage that the researcher outside Türkiye receives abroad is less than the “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave” coordinated by the Directorate for Science Fellowships and Grant Programmes (BİDEB), the highest monthly fee provided under that program is used.
- Researchers outside Türkiye can take part in more than one project supported by TÜBİTAK, but they can get fee only from one project.
C. Scholar
Undergraduate, graduate students (except for special students and prep students) and “Research Assistants” studying in higher education institutions in Türkiye (in the TRNC for projects submitted from TRNC) and post-doc researchers can take part as scholar in projects.
Undergraduate scholar should not work in any institution. If the student fails the class, scholarship is stopped. At most, 4 undergrad scholars can take part in one project.
The requirements to be a post-doc researcher scholar;
- Scholar should have a PhD but not work in any institution/organization,
- Scholar should not have an academic title of associate professor or higher,
- There should not be over 7 years between the date of getting PhD and the date when the person will be assigned in the project (petition date). (In case our female researcher takes leave due to childbirth within the specified period; If the birth certificate or the identity document of the children is sent to by e-mail in the attachment of the petition, one year will be added to this period for each birth)
Who cannot be Principal Investigator?
The highest level managers of the public institutions/organizations, deputies and assistants of them (Rector, Vice Rector, Chief Physician, Deputy Chief Physician, Hospital Director, Minister, Deputy Minister, General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Provincial Director of National Education, etc.) cannot act as PI if they are still working in those positions during the application, but they can be researchers in 3 (***) projects at most.
Conditions to Apply for ARDEB-BİDEB Programs simultaneously (Table)
Limits for taking part in projects (Table)
(*) Consultant: researcher or expert whose knowledge is used for a secondary subject of project, requiring special expertise.
(**) TUBITAK ARDEB Governing Board and Advisory Board members can take part as consultants in projects submitted to calls opened within the scope of European Union Framework Programs (projects where joint evaluation is carried out by international independent reviewers).
(***) International projects, 1000 and 1002 projects are not included in quota.
Please carefully read each statement in the "Project Application Checklist", which is prepared so that you can review whether there are any deficiencies in the forms and content before preparing the application forms, compare them with the statements you have written in the relevant section of the "Application Form" and if there are deficiencies, fix them.
Application Forms
WARNING: Current "Application Form and its Annexes (Annex-1 References, Annex-2 Budget and Justification)" regarding the program to which you are going to apply should be filled and uploaded to the online application system.
In order for the project to be evaluated, the Application Form should be prepared in Arial 9 font, no changes should be made in the current format, it should not exceed 25 pages except for ANNEX-1 and ANNEX-2, and the size of each file to be uploaded to the system should not exceed 20MB. Please note that if the specified conditions are not met, your project proposal will not be evaluated and returned!
- Application Form (Document that needs to be uploaded to the online application system)
- Application Form Annex-1 References (Document that needs to be uploaded to the online application system)
- Application Form Annex-2 Budget and Justification (Document that needs to be uploaded to the online application system)
- Application Form Annex-3 Other Projects and Current Publications of Project Team (It is formed automatically according to the information entered to online application system.
- Project Proposal Video (File to be uploaded to the electronic application system) (Optional - Video describing the project proposal, not exceeding 5 minutes in length and 100 MB in size)
- Data Management Plan (Document to be uploaded to the electronic application system | Detailed Information)
- Project Proposal Modification Form (The form needed to be filled if the same/similar project proposal has been applied previously and rejected as a result of scientific evaluation, is formed automatically according to the information entered to online application system.)
- Waiver Form (In case the projects that were previously submitted to our Institution and rejected / returned are resubmitted with the same / similar content, Waiver for those who were right holders in the previous application, but not mentioned as right holder in the new proposed project is formed automatically according to the information entered to application system. The form must be approved via the link to be sent to the relevant persons by e-mail.
- Project Application Permission Form for University Faculty Members Working in the Companies Operating under the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 (Document is formed automatically according to the information entered to application system and should be e-signed by the relevant persons (authorities of university and the company) during the electronic signature process.
- TUBITAK Presidency Approval Document (In case there is someone (PI/ researcher/ advisor) who works in TÜBİTAK headquarters/institutes in the project team, permission should be obtained from the President of TÜBİTAK and the date and number of the “President Approval Letter” should be entered to the relevant field in online application system. | Detailed Information)
- Information Form for Researcher outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher outside Türkiye in the project team) (Form is automatically created automatically by the system in line with the information entered to online application system.)
- Participation Letter of Researcher outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher outside Türkiye in the project team) (Letter is automatically created automatically by the system in line with the information entered to online application system. The Participation Letter which will be sent via e-mail by system should be approved by the researcher outside Türkiye.
- Curriculum Vitae for Researcher/Consultant outside Türkiye (in case there is a researcher/consultant outside Türkiye in the project team, curriculum vitae of researcher/consultant is automatically created by the system in line with ARBİS information. In order to upload detailed CVs of the researcher/consultant outside Türkiye, a field is also opened in the system.)
The following documents must be submitted fully in desired format within the time given by the relevant Research Support Group; If it is decided to support the project. If the documents cannot be obtained within the given time, the project will not be implemented.
- Intellectual Property Rights Protocol
- Ethics Committee Approval Document (If necessary | Detailed Information)
- Legal / Private Permits (If necessary | Detailed Information)
- Support Letters (If necessary)
- Proforma invoice (If necessary)
- SME Declaration (in case the managers and partners of SME enterprises and corporations that have not reached the requirements of being a SME are involved in the project.
Required Document for Defining the Authority of Private Institutions (Detailed Information)
- Commercial Registry Gazette (The page with the current title and address of the company)
- Copy of Chamber of Commerce Registration
- Authorized Signatures List
- Authorization Certificate (A document obtained from the relevant Registry of Commerce which indicates the person authorized to represent the company)
Application Dates for 1001 Programs 2025-1 Term:
Starting Date of Application Period: February 10, 2025
Due Date for Online Application: March 27, 2025
Due Date for E-Signature Process: April 3, 2025
Application is required to be made from Project Application System with e-signature. It is possible to reach Project Application System from .
In order to apply online, you can log in to with your ARBİS information. If you do not have an ARBİS account, you can create it by entering
For questions about the ARDEB Project Application System: (Start the subject with the code [1001].
Project proposals are evaluated under the following four dimensions:
- Scientific Excellence
- Methodology
- Project Management
- Impact
Click here for the rules to be followed in writing the project final report.
Click here for
Regulation on Programs Conducted by Research Funding Programmes Directorate and
Administrative and Financial Principles to be Applied in Research Projects
Çağrı metni için tıklayınız.
- 1004 Platformuna Başvuru için Kullanılacak Başvuru Formu
- 1004 Platformu Destek Mektubu
- Platform iletişim bilgilerine adresinden erişim sağlanmaktadır.
- İlgili platformdan destek mektubu alınan projeler ile çağrı kapsamında yapılacak başvurular üzerinden 1001 - BİLİMSEL VE TEKNOLOJİK ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİNİ DESTEKLEME PROGRAMI - ÖZEL ÇAĞRILAR altında yer alan 1004 Platformları ile İş Birliği Çağrısı'na ilişkin başvuru ekranından iletilebilir.
- 1004 Platformları ile İş Birliği Çağrısı Proje Başvuru Formu
- Ek-1 Kaynaklar
- Ek-2 Bütçe ve Gerekçesi
Çağrı metni için tıklayınız.
İrtibat Bilgileri
Başvuru Koşulları ve Proje Başvuru Sistemi için:
TÜBİTAK Araştırma Destek Programları Başkanlığı (ARDEB)
Destek Programları İzleme ve Koordinasyon Müdürlüğü
Çağrının Genel Çerçevesi, Amacı ve Kapsamına İlişkin Sorular için:
ÇAYDAG - Hacer Selin ÖZDEMİR -
TÜBİTAK Headquarter Call Center
444 66 90
For questions about the ARDEB Project Application System: (Start the subject with the code [1001].)
Çağrı Amaç ve Kapsamı
Günümüzde giderek artan ve karmaşıklaşan sorunlar ve güçlükler karşısında sosyal ve beşeri bilim araştırmalarının önemi giderek artmaktadır. İklim değişikliğinden doğal afetlere karşı dirençliliğe, birey ve toplum düzeyinde yaşanan güçlüklerin çözümünden politika yapımına girdi sağlanmasına kadar birey ve toplum yaşamını etkileyen her boyutta çoklu bakış açılarının sunulması gerekli olmuş ve bu anlamda sosyal ve beşeri bilimlerin rolü daha da önemli hale gelmiştir. Cumhuriyetin kurulduğu yıllarda üstesinden gelinen güçlüklerin vermiş olduğu azim ve heyecanı, İkinci Türkiye Yüzyılına daha da coşkuyla taşıyarak tüm güçlüklerin üstesinden gelmeyi başaracağımıza ve her boyutuyla daha güçlü olacağımıza inancımız tamdır.
Bu doğrultuda, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluşunun 100. yıl dönümünü büyük bir gurur ve heyecanla karşılamaya hazırlandığımız bu özel yıl vesilesiyle, Cumhuriyetimizin tarihsel, kültürel, siyasal, toplumsal ve ekonomik dinamiklerini anlamayı ve gelecek vizyonuna yeni perspektifler sunmayı amaçlayan araştırma projelerini desteklemek üzere 1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı kapsamında, “Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılı Özel Çağrısı” açılmıştır.
Bu çağrıda, Türkiye'nin Cumhuriyet dönemindeki 100 yıllık geçmişini anlamaya ve geleceğe yönelik önemli sorunları tespit ederek çözüm önerileri sunmaya odaklanan proje önerilerinin desteklenmesi hedeflenmektedir.
Cumhuriyetin 100. yılına özel hazırlanan bu çağrı kapsamında sunulan proje önerilerinin Türkiye'nin toplumsal gelişimine, geleceğine, sürdürülebilir kalkınmasına, tarihine ve kültürüne odaklanan konuları kapsaması, Cumhuriyetin 100. yılına özel katkı sunmayı amaçlaması ve geçmişi, şimdiki zamanı ve geleceği ele alarak topluma fayda sağlayacak bilgileri ve önerileri ortaya koyması beklenmektedir. Proje önerilerinde konunun, çok disiplinli veya disiplinler arası bir yaklaşımla ele alınması önem arz etmektedir.
Çağrı kapsamında önerilecek projelerin odaklanabileceği konu başlıklarına aşağıda yer verilmiştir:
- Eğitim Sistemi ve Politikaları
- İktisadi Gelişim ve Dönüşüm
- Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Perspektifinden Yapay Zeka
- İş Dünyası ve Kurumsal Değişim
- Siyaset ve Dış Politika
- Göç ve Nüfus Politikaları
- Kentleşme Politikaları ve Kentsel Yapı
- Aile ve Toplum
- Medya ve İletişim
- Kültürel Dönüşüm ve Çeşitlilik
- Dil, Tarih ve Kültürel Miras
- Bilim ve Teknolojinin Gelişimi
Çağrıya Özel Hususlar
Çağrı kapsamında sunulacak projeler aşağıda belirtilen çağrıya özel hususlara tabidir:
- Çağrı kapsamında üniversiteler, araştırma merkezleri, kamu kurumları ve özel kuruluşlardan sunulan projeler desteklenecektir.
- Proje yürütücülerinin doktora/sanatta yeterlilik derecesine sahip olmaları ve projenin yürütüleceği kurumun (yükseköğretim kurumları, kamu kurumları veya özel kuruluşlar) kadrolu/tam zamanlı personeli (emekliler ve herhangi bir kurum/kuruluşta çalışmayan doktora sonrası araştırmacılar hariç) olmaları gerekmektedir.
- Proje süresi azami 36 aydır.
- Destek üst limiti 1.650.000 TL’dir.
- Bu çağrı kapsamında desteklenecek projelerde Proje Teşvik İkramiyesi (PTİ) ve kurum hissesi ödeneği bulunmaktadır.
- Desteklenen projeler görev alma limitlerinin dışında tutulacaktır. Ancak, bu çağrı kapsamında en fazla bir projede yürütücü olarak görev alınabilir.
- Bu çağrı kapsamında, “1001-Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı”nın “Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılı Özel Çağrısı”na ait güncel Başvuru Formunun kullanılması gerekmektedir.
- Etik Kurul Onay Belgesi, Yasal/Özel İzin Belgesi, Fikri Mülkiyet Hak Sahipliği Protokolü ve proforma faturalar başvuru esnasında istenmeyecek, yalnızca desteklenen projeler için sözleşme aşamasında talep edilecektir. Proje kapsamında Yasal/Özel İzin Belgesi gerektirecek bir durum olması halinde bu konuya ilişkin açıklamaya (hangi verinin nereden ve nasıl toplanacağı, verilerin kamuya açık olma durumu vb.) öneride yer verilmelidir.
- Desteklenen projeler TÜBİTAK Araştırma Destek Programları Tarafından Yürütülen Programlara İlişkin Yönetmelik ve Araştırma Projelerinde Uygulanacak İdari ve Mali Esaslar’a tabi olacaktır.
Çağrı Takvimi
Başvuru Sisteminin Açılış Tarihi: 29 Ekim 2023
Son Başvuru Tarihi (Çevrim İçi Başvurunun Tamamlanması): 29 Aralık 2023 23.59
Son Başvuru Tarihi (Elektronik İmzanın Tamamlanması): 5 Ocak 2024 23.59
İlgili Belgeler
- Proje Başvuru Formu
- Ek-1 Kaynaklar
- Ek-2 Bütçe ve Gerekçesi
- Çevrim İçi Başvuru Sistemi
- TÜBİTAK Araştırma Destek Programları Başkanlığı Tarafından Yürütülen Programlara İlişkin Yönetmelik
- Araştırma Projelerinde Uygulanacak İdari ve Mali Esaslar
- Etik Kurul Onay Belgesi Bilgi Notu
- Yasal/Özel İzin Belgesi Bilgi Notu
İrtibat Bilgileri
Projelerde görev alabilme koşulları ve Proje Başvuru Sistemine ilişkin sorularınız için:
TÜBİTAK Çağrı Merkezi: 444 66 90
Destek Programları İzleme ve Koordinasyon Müdürlüğü - (312) 298 11 43 -
E-imza sürecine ilişkin sorularınız için:
Çağrı içeriği, proje önerisi içeriği vb. hususlara ilişkin sorularınız için:
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırma Destek Grubu (SOBAG)
- Semih BİLGİÇ –