1501 - Industrial R&D Projects Grant Programme


1501 TUBITAK Industrial R&D Projects Grant Program will be carried out with budget-based calls to be opened twice a year, starting from January 2020, in order to ensure more efficient use of public resources for country needs and national targets.

1501 TUBITAK Industrial R&D Projects Grant Program Implementation Principles were changed at the TÜBİTAK Board of Directors meeting held on March 14, 2019, and it was stipulated that only organizations of SME scale can apply to the program.

The program aims to support project-based research-technology development and innovation activities of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The determination of the projects to be supported will also take into account the outcomes and impacts of the applicant companies (if any) within the scope of their previously supported projects, attempts to benefit from alternative non-public funding sources (especially applications to the European Union Framework Programs) and the priority of the project subject.

Maksimum Project duration is 36 months.

There is no budget limit.

Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation Topics/Issues in Priority and Key Technologies,  Strategic and Need-Oriented Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation Issues with European Green Deal and Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation Issues for Adaptation to Climate Change

Scope of Support

Within the scope of 1501 TUBITAK Industrial R&D Projects Grant Program, within the framework of innovation definition; R&D projects are supported to produce a new product, to develop and improve an existing product, to raise the product quality or standard, or to develop new techniques and new technologies that reduce costs. The support rate for each period of the project is 75% with a fixed rate. The duration of the support is maximum thirty-six (36) months on a project basis.

Supported costs are: personnel costs, travel costs, tools, equipment, software and technical documents costs, R&D service expenses, consultancy or other services costs, materials and consumables costs,

  • Project proposals are evaluated by experts and committees, and projects that are found suitable are supported.
  • A contract is signed between the company and TÜBİTAK for the supported projects.
  • The company carries out the project and submits the period report containing the project expenses and project activities to TÜBİTAK in every six months.
  • During the monitoring phase, TÜBİTAK assigns technical auditor(s), monitors the progress of the projects and makes the support payment.
  • Project Final Report is additionally submitted in the last period of the project.
  • Commercialization Processes of the completed project are monitored.
Important Issues

Applications can be done on-line via PRODIS at eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr

Legal and business centers foundations and built offices and branches in Turkey in the business of the limited liability status in the international associations and their economic enterprises, cooperatives, associations, individual companies and ordinary partnerships are not eligible to apply under this program.

Who Can Apply?

Only SMEs can apply to the program.

Click here for more information

Application Forms

Project applications to the support program can only be made electronically via the online application (Project Evaluation and Monitoring System -PRODİS) at http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr. Project applications must be made in accordance with the information and explanations in the address in question.

It is recommended that you prepare the project proposal information using the blank form linked below and transfer it to electronic media.

Project Proposal Information Form (AGY100) (It is the form that will be used for preliminary information in the invited process and for draft work before online application. It cannot be used to apply.)

Application dates

1501 Industry R&D Support Program is carried out through budget-based calls opened twice a year.  Call announcements can be followed at www.tubitak.gov.tr.


The project application is made online via the PRODIS system.


Project proposals are evaluated according to the following three main dimensions;

Dimension I: Industrial R&D Content, Technology Level and Innovative Aspect 

Dimension II: Suitability of the Project Plan and Establishment Infrastructure for the Project

Dimension III: Convertibility of Project Outputs into Economic Benefit and National Benefit

Evaluation Method

Projects identified as eligible after preliminary evaluation are evaluated by referees who are experts in their fields. After the referee evaluation, the projects are scored by the board of the relevant technology groups within TEYDEB and the projects deemed appropriate are supported with the approval of the Presidency.

Evaluation Forms

Project applications made to the support program are evaluated only electronically via the online application (Project Evaluation and Monitoring System -PRODİS) at http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

The referees assigned to evaluate the project perform their evaluations in accordance with the Practice Principles of this program and the contract made with them, by reviewing the project proposal document submitted by the companies in accordance with the evaluation report and guide and visiting the company on site, and submitting the report to TÜBİTAK in accordance with the guideline in electronic environment on PRODIS.

During the visits of the referees, the company is expected to make a presentation on the subject, the project manager, the staff and the technical consultants who will contribute to the project activities during the visit. Referees can request the explanations they need from the organization before preparing the AGY200 report.

Click here for more information

Monitoring and Conclusion

Projects are monitored and supported by the view of the auditor (s) every six months. In the last period of the project, the project result report is submitted by the organization.

Monitoring Forms

Supported projects are evaluated only electronically via the online application (Project Evaluation and Monitoring System -PRODİS) at http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

The auditors, assigned to monitor and to evaluate the project, review the monitoring report submitted by the firm and guide within the framework of the project proposal also support details/documents. They visit the company on site and submit the report to our Agency in accordance with the guide in the electronic environment on PRODIS.

During the company visits, project teams of the companies ( the project manager, staff etc..and also technical consultants) can make a presentation to the auditors. The auditors can request the necessary explanations from the organization.

Monitoring Method

Projects are monitored via technical auditor(s) who visits the company for evaluation.


Click here for more information

Who can apply?

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) which is resident in Turkey can apply.

What is the application schedule?

Generally, two calls are opened per year and applications are generally made in January-February and July-August. Call announcements can be followed at www.tubitak.gov.tr.

How to apply?

Project proposals are submitted online at https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

What should be the project topic?

There is no topic limitation unless otherwise stated in the call announcement. 

What is the support rate and what is the maximum project budget?

The support rate is 75% unless otherwise stated in the call announcement and there is no limit for the total project budget. The support is provided as non-refundable grant.

What expense items can be supported?

The following items related to R&D studies in the project can be included in the project budget:

a. Personnel costs,

b. Travel expenses of the project staff (Intercity and international economy class transportation expenses can be supported.)

c. Expenses for purchasing tools, equipment, software and publications (expenses for production infrastructure are excluded),

d. Material and consumable expenses,

e. Domestic and international consultancy and other service procurement expenses (CPA expense is included.)

f. Expenses for R&D services outsourced to universities in Turkey, R&D units affiliated with TÜBİTAK, private sector R&D organizations and similar R&D institutions and organizations.

How many projects can be submitted?

Unless stated otherwise in the call announcement, there is no limit on the number of projects that can be submitted.


Can we apply for projects we have done in the past?

No, you cannot. Projects whose R&D activities have been completed before the project application are not supported.

Can the support be taken back?

It is not taken back under normal circumstances. However, in projects that are abolished due to the intent of the organization, all payments made are collected from the organization by applying default interest at the rates specified in Law No. 6183 (please see 1501 Program Implementation Principles).

If the project fails, will the support be taken back?

No it is not (please see “Can the support be taken back?”)

Can we sell the project output?

Yes, the project output can be sold (NOTE: If the project output is sold to a public institution or organization, the support will be stopped. For detailed information please see Article 9 of the 1501 Program Implementation Principles)

Who owns the intellectual property rights of the project?

In the event that an intellectual product such as any invention (patent, utility model), industrial design (work, integrated circuit topographers and technical information) that may be subject to intellectual and industrial property emerges during or as a result of the completion of the supported project, the relevant provisions of the Law on the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey dated 17/7/1963 and numbered 278 shall apply. All intellectual and industrial rights that may arise regarding the projects supported are transferred to the disposal of the organization.

Will our project information fall into the hands of competitor companies?

TÜBİTAK keeps the information presented in the project confidential. Project information is considered "commercial confidential information" or "service-specific information" and is not transferred to anyone other than those involved in the evaluation process.

How is the project evaluated?

Project proposals are evaluated according to three main dimensions;

Dimension I: Industrial R&D Content, Technology Level and Innovative Aspect 

Dimension II: Suitability of the Project Plan and Establishment Infrastructure for the Project

Dimension III: Convertibility of Project Outputs into Economic Benefit and National Benefit

Projects identified as eligible after preliminary evaluation are evaluated by referees who are experts in their fields. After the referee evaluation, the projects are scored by the board of the relevant technology groups within TEYDEB and the projects deemed appropriate are supported with the approval of the Presidency.

Where can I get help about PRODIS?

For help with PRODİS, please visit https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr/sss.htm


TÜBİTAK - Technology and Innovation Support Programs Directorate (TEYDEB)

For project specific or technical questions, please use the contact information of the relevant group.



e-mail adress:


General Info

Scope of Support
Important Issues


Who Can Apply?
Application Forms
Application Forms
Application dates


Evaluation Method
Evaluation Forms
Monitoring and Conclusion


Monitoring Forms
Monitoring Method


Regulation and Principles


Help Guide